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Cheating Fate - Part 6

A Rg Veda fanfiction by Ariane Kovacevic, AKA Fuu-chan.

I closed the door behind me and tried to remain calm, facing Yasha and Ashura.

"What did you say ?"

Ashura sighed.

"We are leaving your home. We cannot stay any longer. I am very sorry Fiona..."

I shook my head in disbelief.

"But... But why ? Have I done something ?"

Yasha smiled gently.

"No... No, of course not. We leave because we have to. Believe it, we had rather stay..."

I leaned against the door, barring the way out.

"And what will you do ? Do you have another place where to live ?"

Yasha shrugged.

"Don't worry, we are used to fend for ourselves... And besides, we are gods you know..."

I smiled sadly. Strangely, their departure hurt me. They hadn't been here very long, but I knew this house would aways feel empty without Ashura petting my cat or Yasha polishing that sword of his. I had no right to prevent them from going, I knew that. Eventually, I looked at them and asked :

"Won't you tell me why ?"

Ashura came to me and hugged me. Her eyes were brimming with tears.

"We must. I'm so afraid I could hurt you or Whiskers..."

She shivered, and her voice reduced to a whisper.

"The other... His sleep is too easily disturbed. I am not sure I can control my own self, I... I don't want to hurt anyone !"

I hugged her back, seeing behind her a terrible look in Yasha's eyes. Eventually, I said :

"You don't have to go. I trust you both, you're my friends, I know you'd never do anything to harm me... I don't care about the other..."

Yasha smiled bitterly.

"Then you are a fool Fiona. You don't seem to realise what Ashura is..."

She gently freed herself from my hold and looked at me, her beautiful golden eyes locked on mine. Her tears were running freely now.

"Yasha is right Fiona. Even though you are my friend, nothing can protect you, nothing. I killed a friend once, I hurt and killed a friend who had known me as a child, who had saved my life and supported me against impossible odds... And I almost destroyed my own world of Tenkai... I cannot... I will not risk harming you..."

I bowed my head, saying in a strained voice.

"You are my friends. I cannot abandon you, I want to be there for you..."

Suddenly, hands closed around my arms and pushed me violently aside. Eyes wide with shock, I looked at Yasha.

"No. You would only make things more difficult. We have no need of you, you'd only be a burden to us !"

I felt a lump in my throat and tears stinging my eyes. I whispered :

"Is there nothing I can do to help ? Isn't there something to be done ?"


I shivered, thinking of my vision again. Oh Ashura... Could it be ? Was what I had seen true then ? A hand rested gently on my shoulder.

"But don't worry, we won't let the other wake, we'll do whatever we have to to prevent that... I give you my word."

I looked at Ashura, but couldn't distinguish her features, my sight dimmed by the tears.

"Don't be sad please... You don't need us now, I know you have found someone to love..."

I shook my head, whispering :

"It has othing to do with this. YOU are my friends, I..."

"Fare well Fiona, we'll never forget you. You have our blessing."

I distantly heard the door open and then close. They were gone. It had been as easy as that. I closed my right fist and hurled it against the wall. It wasn't fair. I closed my eyes and saw the dark figure of my dream lifting its sword to strike me. Its face was Ashura's and there was nothing but hatred in its golden eyes.

Eventually, I got a grip on myself and went to the phone. I dialed a number quickly, and waited impatiently for an answer.

"Fiona speaking. Yes, I won't be coming to work today Pierre... Sure, I'll call a doctor if I'm not feeing better by the end of the day and you'll get all the official papers if need be... Okay... Thank you. Bye."

I put the reciever back in place and bowed my head. Damn it. Why did it always have to happen that way ? Why couldn't there be happiness during more than the briefest of moments ?

I ignored the pain in my arms and my back, and redid the movement for the hundredth time. My wood sword was dripping with water. It had been raining for the most part of an hour now. I was feeling miserable, but hell if I would get back in the house or go to Sakamoto-sensei's dojo. The last thing I wanted was for him to see me practising in my current state of mind. I'd have given a lot to have a punching-ball in front of me right now. But I didn't have one. So I exhausted myself trying to go through all the forms I knew perfectly with my damn training sword.

"Oh my... This is remarkable swordsmanship..."

I whirled around, facing the mocking voice, and saw Kujaku. He clapped his hands and I lowered the point of my sword, surprised.

"What... What are you doing here ?"

He smiled.

"Well, I found myself wanting to hear your voice so I called your office where they told me you weren't feeling well and had stayed home. I phoned here, got no answer and came, worried about you..."

I bowed my head.

"I'm sorry..."

He shrugged.

"No need. I'm relieved to see you're okay... Need a sparring-partner perhaps ?"

I suddenly noticed he was carrying another wood sword, and absentmindedly remembered I used to have a pair of them in the house... I said :

"If you wish to... I didn't know you practised that art..."

He chuckled.

"Oh only when it strikes my fancy... But really, training alone must be absolutely boring."

This discussion in the middle of the rain was completely unreal. He came in front of me and we bowed to each other.

Gods, he was good. I avoided another strike and almost lost my footing on the wet ground. I gritted my teeth and focused on him, determined not to let him win. I felt so angry, so sad I had almost forgotten this was simply a training session.

The flat of his blade hit my left side squarely and I lost my balance, falling on my knees on the grass. Oh... I let my sword fall, and signaled he had won. I was breathless, and my flank hurt. Hell, my whole body hurt. He helped me up, asking gently :

"Are you okay ? Do you feel better now ?"

I smiled bitterly.


I felt like laughing and crying at the same time.

"No. Damn, I've had enough of this..."

I felt my shoulders trembling. I cried :

"I've had enough !"

I shook my head savagely, as if that could somehow unmake what had happened.

"The vision... I... I know... I know who the dark figure is..."

I felt hot tears mixing with the cold drops of rain on my face.

"And there is nothing I can do ! Why ? Why do I have this vision of Apocalypse ? Why does it have to be a friend ? How can I know the future ? It's as if I was someone else, I... I don't know who I am anymore ! I want my life back ! I want it back, hear me ?!"

Sobs shook me. There was a long silence, interrupted by the endless music of the rain, and at last I got a grip on myself. I looked at Kujaku, at whom I had hurled my fear, my pain and my anger although he was the only anchor I had left, although he was the person I... loved. I shook my head. It was always like this, I always had to break what was precious and fragile... I whispered :

"Forgive me, I had no right to make such an outburst... I had better leave before I make a complete fool of myself... I really don't know how you can put up with me..."

I wanted to turn away, but he held me back, bringing me close to him.

"Oh no my lady, you're not going anywhere..."

He hugged me tightly.

"There's no way I'll let you out of my sight Fiona. You won't get rid of me that easy."

I leaned against him, feeling his warmth, his strength and listening to the quiet beating of his heart. He held me like this during a long time, and eventually I asked him :

"Do you... Do you think I'm mad ?"

He whispered soflty :

"No... No. I think you're afraid, and that your vision, whatever it is, hurts you very much... You're a very gentle and feeling young woman, but you're certainly not mad."

I smiled a little.

"Thank you, I don't know what I'd have done without you..."

The fingers of his right hand gently stroked my face.

"You would have held on, you are very brave you know..."

I shook my head.

"I think you're too kind... Tell me..."

I bowed my head.

"What would you do if you knew something terrible, something you refused with all your soul was going to happen, and if you also knew what was going to cause it ?"

"I would stop it..."

There was a sudden tension in his body, and his voice was hard. I raised my head. He was looking at me, compassion, determination and sorrow shining in his purple eyes.

"I would do anything to stop it. Anything..."

He smiled suddenly.

"Why ? You want to prevent next year's taxes to be higher ?"

I chuckled.

"You're incredible..."

I soflty pushed back one of his rebel locks of hair.

"You're a magician you know..."

He looked at me seriously.

"And you are soaked through my beloved lady... So you're going to be a good girl and do what your lowly servant asks : we're going to get back inside, take a good hot bath and let me rub that poor cramped back of yours..."

I smiled.

"What about you ? You're soaked through too you know..."

He thought about that during a few seconds then said maliciously :

"Then I guess we'll both have a bath. I rub your back and you rub mine... Do we have a deal ?"

I chuckled.

"I guess we do..."

I looked at him.

"I love you Kujaku."

He kissed me both savagely and tenderly, then whispered in my ear :

"I know, I love you too Fiona..."

Suddenly, he gathered me in his arms like a small child and I exclaimed :

"Hey, what are you doing ?"

Falsely angry, he said :

"If it goes on like this, we won't be getting inside for a while, and I for one would rather find myself alone with you in a more comfortable atmosphere than your garden with the rain pouring down."

I leaned against him and closed my eyes, forgetting for a while Ashura, Yasha and my vision.

End of Part 6.

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